Transcription is literally transcribing the spoken words, (and sounds), that happen during an event. This may be a conversation, conference, lecture, court hearing, autopsy or anything else.
If it is important enough to record it, there is a good chance it is also important enough to get a transcription of it too.
Recorded audio and video will,obviously, record the talking that took place, but once you have this, how do you use it? You remember the part you recorded about A, B and C, but not what was said about D. This means listening to the whole recording and either taking notes or making time stamps of where there was any mention of D. Rarely will D be talked about only in one place, so this could take a long time, depending how long the recording is.
A transcription document will find it for you in a second. Put in ‘find D’ and all mentions of D are shown.
Audio and video files may contain parts that are not relevant to you, but these are not easily removed, so you end up watching an hour long video to see ten minutes’ worth of information.
Again with a document a simple ‘copy and paste’ will resolve this quickly, giving you a document containing only pertinent information.
You can use the transcription to read as you listen or watch the original recording too, and it will enhance the experience and give you a better understanding of the material. Often words are lost to background noise, or strong accents are hard to follow, so all you need to do is read the transcription to see what was said.
At Singapore Transcription our experts have vast experience of many accents, so can easily understand different regional variations, and noise reducing software will clean up the audio too.
Whatever your sector and needs, letting a professional transcription service turn your audio and video into a document will save a lot of time and effort.